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Earth: A New Wild
Passion Planet & PBS - Nat Geo - 2015


This five-part series takes a fresh look at humankind’s relationship to the planet’s wildest places and most fascinating species. EARTH: A NEW WILD uses advanced filming techniques to provide visuals as stunning as the best natural history programs but unlike most nature films, this series turns the cameras around, to show the world as it really is - with humans in the picture. Dr. M. Sanjayan takes us to the frontiers of where man and animal meet, and here he discovers how our relationship with the greatest natural history events on the planet are intimately connected to us humans; a relationship that can provide a key to preserving our present and saving our future existence.

Winner: Best Environmental and Conservation Sciences Program, Jackson Hole Science Media Awards 2014Winner: Best Human-Wildlife Interactions, International Wildlife Film Festival 2015Best Series - Wildscreen Film Festival 2016.


I was brought on to provide the motion graphics for this project over it’s 5 episodes. The majority of this was to track titles on footage from the various locations production had shot in or had sourced from stock sites. Apart from a couple of the shots, where I had to use syntheyes to get a better track with the camera distortions - the bulk was done using after effects built-in camera tracker, which is robust and speedy enough to provide precise tracking data for these types of title placements. There were a few kinks and manual distortion techniques needed to help sit the text in the shots, but after a little fiddling and then compositing them to sit better with the backgrounds and any foreground elements, the titles were ready. There were about 36 titles to track and composite in a tight turnaround. I also completed work on the main title reveal and also additional animated sequences from archive photographs, with the fish catch comparison throughout the years the highlight of this.

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